
How to Create Content with Repurposing in Mind

Content repurposing is a great way to save time and create more value for your customers—but it shouldn’t just be an afterthought. SEO consultancy firm, Reboot, explain why repurposing content should be a major part of your content strategy, the advantages of transforming content into different mediums, and which types of content you should produce to achieve these benefits.

Software Testing Best Practices

Software testing as an afterthought has been a little passe’. In fact, most of the time it was being ignored by businesses thoroughly due to restraints in time and budget. Whether you are developing an application for the retail industry or healthcare sector, telecom industry or finance industry, undergoing the software testing procedures prior to its release has become a must. Ignoring this means you might end up losing everything eventually.

7 Tips to Develop an Effective Cybersecurity Content Marketing Strategy

Cybersecurity content marketing is a strategy that uses informative and educational content to educate and engage audiences on the importance of cyber security and how to protect themselves and their businesses from cyber threats. Cybersecurity content marketing aims to position a company as a thought leader and generate leads and conversions by providing valuable information to potential customers. This content can include blog posts, whitepapers, e-books, webinars, infographics, and more.

Effective Ways to Remove Viruses and Malware on Android

In today's world, many individuals usually use their smartphones to store private information. This private information may include working details, banking information, and communication with colleagues and family members. This makes your android phone an easy target for unauthorized operators. Viruses and malware usually copy themselves on your Android and escalate throughout the android system.

How to avoid getting scammed on Craigslist?

Craigslist is a "free" classified advertisement platform widely used to buy and sell products, post job opportunities, and offer rental properties and local services. It is one of the most widely used platform scammers use to scam innocent users. How do you identify and prevent Craigslist scams?